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Selectmen Minutes 02/01/2011
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
February 1, 2011
Members present:  Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold, Mike Paveglio
Others Present:  Nancy Tanner (Town Administrator), Doug Hall (Moderator), Budget Committee Members: Norm LaRochelle, Scott Marsden, John Martell, Ed Millette, and Jason Weir.  For the Public Hearing there were approximately 21 members of the public.  

Chairman Jordan opened the meeting at 7:00PM.  
Chairman Jordan made opening remarks about the budget process.

Public Hearing on the 2011Budget

The expense line items were reviewed.  There were questions about the increases in salary lines.  There was a question about the moderator’s salary and the election workers salaries.

There were questions about the Health Insurance increases and copayments.  The health insurance increase for 2011 was 1.4% and the Town pays 80% of the premium on Health.  The Town pays dental for the employee only if the employee adds any family members to the dental plan the employee pays for the difference.  Life and LTD is paid 100% by the

There was a lengthy discussion regarding the stipend for the Planning Board Chairman.  The Selectmen and Budget Committee had previously cut the stipend from the Budget.  The current chairman, Tom Jameson, spoke in favor of keeping the stipend as did several members of the public.  Mr. Jameson prepared an estimate of hours served, which totaled 81.  He suggested making the stipend $800.  It was explained that the intent was to make the stipend payments fair across the board and the Planning Board Chair is the only Board or Committee chair, except for the Selectmen, who has been receiving a stipend.  The public was polled to see if they would like the Selectmen to review the stipends of other towns compared to Chichester and the majority voted yes. The public was polled to see if they would like to see the Selectmen add in $800 for the Planning Board Chair stipend and it was about evenly split.

There was discussion about the fleet of cruisers and the establishment of the new Fleet Needs Committee.  Richard Millette would like to be on the Fleet Needs Committee.  
There was a brief discussion about the EMS training line.  

Jamie Pike asked the Selectmen to consider giving the Community Action Program the full amount requested of $2,899.  Mr. Jordan made a motion seconded by Mr. DeBold to increase the donation to $2,899. The majority of the public would support this motion. Motion passes.

The appropriating warrant articles were reviewed.  There was a short discussion on article #12.  The article is for the repair and repaving of a section of Lane Road.  It was noted that Lane Road has been designated as a scenic road.

Warrant article #14 was discussed and it was noted that there are shingles missing from the Community Building roof and there was a leak on Friday.

On the Library roof (article #15) it was noted that the shingles are in place, but they look old and are starting to curl.  This project was submitted for 2012, however, it was moved up to 2011 to coincide with the community building roof project.  

There was a brief discussion on surplus.

The estimated revenues were reviewed.

This concluded the public hearing.

Other Business

Heritage Commission:  It was brought to Nancy’s attention after the public hearing that the $500 expense line item for the heritage commission was inadvertently left off the budget draft.  The Selectmen will have to hold a second public hearing for the purpose of adding the appropriation since it was discovered after tonight’s public hearing had adjourned.  It will be scheduled for February 15th.

Warrant:  The Selectmen and Budget Committee will recommend all the appropriating articles except number 15.  This article is for the Library roof.  The Board and Committee do not feel assured the roof is in need of replacing this year.

Accounts payable and payroll were approved.

A motion by Mr. Paveglio and seconded by Mr. DeBold to adjourn the meeting at 9:50pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Tanner

____________________________    ________ __________________      __________________________
      Jeffrey Jordan, Chairman Richard DeBold                                   D. Michael Paveglio